Haven't blog for a while, sorry for MIA in May. May has just ended but my June schedule is already packed... and I'm not even a student or a teacher.
I wanted to write this a while ago but didn't have the time. It is about the annoying behaviours of both commuters and drivers on public transports.
If you think cab is excluded, think again. How many times have you seen tissue paper stuff into that little grip meant for passengers to close the door (if there's a proper term to this please let me know)? Remember the time you hop onto a cab that stinks? Yeah... and that taxi uncle who forgot to tidy his dashboard and leave newspaper lying around.
Of course, buses with their permanent residents - cockroaches - taking a ride with us. Cushion seats that feels soaked with sweat... and it's not even yours. Passengers who buy too much stuff, way beyond their grip ability and crash into you at the slightest movement. Oh yes, those drivers who jam the brakes.
And not forgetting my favourite - trains. Strong, young, hot-blooded students who sat under the RESERVED SEAT sign, and slept for the entire journey while a 80 year old uncle/pregnant lady/guy with crutches stand in front of them. These semi-blind folks woke up at various stations, took a peek at who's around, and went back to sleep.
We also have the semi-deaf passengers. People who need hearing aid more than a good headphone/earphones/ear-piece. They don't understand other passengers DO NOT SHARE THE SAME TASTE IN MUSIC!!!
So, so annoying, and the list goes on. How long do we still need before we can truly call ourselves a caring and considerate society? There's a lot of complaints already but so few have taken the first step for a better commuting experience in Singapore.
If you're thinking the same thing, I would like to urge you to do this - go up to the person and tell him to stop. Tell him to give up the seat, turn down the volumn, stop leaning against the grab pole, stop grabbing 2 hand grips, move into the middle of the train, clean up the bus/train/cab, drive carefully etc.
I'd never seen anyone done that before. I will try tomorrow. So please pray for me.
sure looks like u're pissed ... cool down ~!
i tink i m the 3rd group who on their music rather loudly ones
hey, couldnt agree with you more, esp with those folks on the train, and I would like to add one more, ppl who selfishly refuses to move in and block the train entrance ...
Thanks for the comments! I haven't told anyone off - didn't meet anyone annoying this month.
Maybe things are getting better... especially with Phua Chu Kang and Rosie telling them every morning!
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