Friday, December 26, 2008

Happy Boxing Day 2008

Instead of Merry Christmas, I wanna wish everyone Happy Boxing Day. If you'd opened all your presents, I hope you like them all.

This year I'd spent more on Christmas presents than usual, but I am so happy to give them all away. I now can really understand why Jesus said it is more blessed to give than to receive. As I looked at all the presents I'd prepared, the best present is actually something intangible.

I gave someone an apology last week.

I'd been struggling with some painful memories and felt the Lord spoke to me. He said I need to apologize and ask for forgiveness. It was mid-week Wednesday afternoon, and I absolutely couldn't concentrate on my work. I decided once office hours is over I will call the person.

Little did I know, the person is also struggling with the same issue. I realised he wants to be forgiven more than I do. Although he did not say "I'm sorry, please forgive me", I told him that he is forgiven.

God knows best, and the timing was right. Instead of an apology, I'd given an even better present - forgiveness.

I always know God put him in my life to teach me how to love. And now, how to forgive.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008


"Love turns, with a little indulgence, to indifference or disgust: Hatred alone is immortal" – William Hazlitt

Its indifference AND disgust. An unforgettable look.

Initially I thought it was triggered by the incompetent sales attendant at the optician. Or lethargy. I turned around just as the face was turning away, as if a moment earlier it was facing me, with indifference AND disgust. The only incompetency was mine and the lethargy comes from looking at me.

It’s heartbreaking how a face you’d loved for so long becomes something you’d loathe so much in the end.

Utterly blinded by love. Too easily contented to look beyond those huge signs.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Superb long weekend

I was so busy the entire week that I have no time at all to blog. Here’s a quick update:

Happy Hyper + Active birthday! – 04-Dec-2008

Hyper + Active are the first pair of hamsters I own and I love them to bits. This week is officially their 1 year old birth week! They were given to me on 20th Dec 07 when they’re about 2 weeks old. So this is a rough estimate of their actual birthday.

I first got them to check if my maternal instincts are really what they are – instincts – hidden and dormant (since I’d always talked about kids like they’re little devils). Surprise surprise, maternal instincts abound in me and my sis actually asked who am I throughout the whole year.

TCW asked if I’m getting some cupcakes and party poppers for a celebration. I replied yes, but never got to it.

Next week, perhaps.

Cell group meeting – 05-Dec-2008, Friday

It’s been more than 2 weeks since our last meeting and I was glad to see everyone again. Especially when EK shared her testimony about how God has blessed her with a fully paid MBA scholarship! I’m really happy for her. She’s a role model whom I really look up to – a CGL, a career woman, a wife, a mom, now a student. All simultaneously!

A real life proof that you can never out give God.

KT and MiT’s wedding – 06-Dec-2008, Saturday

My relative KT (he’s only 29, but he’s ranked as my uncle in the family tree) and his long-time gf MiT finally tied the knot!

They had a church ceremony + wedding banquet all in one day. I had to wake up at 7 AM and only hit the sack at 1 AM. But it was all fun and joy throughout the whole day, so I’m not complaining.

They are very thoughtful and placed emphasis to every detail (from the invites, to the pocket-sized calendar, to the “Ang Bao” box). Each reflects the couple’s unbridled happiness to this long awaited day when they will finally live their lives joined as one in Christ.

I absolutely can’t stand church weddings, simply because I cry too much from the thanks and love I’m witnessing. Thank you God. Thank you mom + dad. Thank you dear friends. Thank you one and only love. It’s all a condensed soap opera in 1 hour (in the good sense).

If anyone ever invites me to a church wedding please give me a corner seat and packets of tissue.

Super tired + painful – 07-Dec-2008, Sunday

I didn’t sleep well at all due to acute gastric pain. I’d been living with gastric pain for almost 8 years. It’s always due to stress+lethargy+various stuffs all at once. The pain came at night, and only subsides in the morning. I couldn’t go for Rev. John Avanzini’s service and had to catch the online telecast. I napped through dinner time (couldn’t eat much).

Maybe it’s time to go for a serious check-up at TTSH. I wonder where I’d put my doc’s letter?

Double happiness – 08-Dec-2008, Monday

I felt better today and went to NL’s house to see her new born twins. They’re so adorable! The elder bro is the more restless one. The younger bro slept soundly throughout our visit despite the din. I brought along the Nikon D70 and took a lot of photos.

DT tested the camera too and together, we agreed that my skill sucks. I am now seriously lusting over the Canon IXUS 980 IS instead.

The weather was rainy and cold, just nice for a steamy hotpot dinner buffet. DT, MT and I went to Paradiz Centre (is this how you spell it?) for a much needed gastronomical delight.

A superb long weekend indeed. And the week begins once more.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Giving responsibly

Christmas is coming again! Time flies when you’re having fun and enjoying the time of your life.

Are you planning to give someone a pet? Or wish you will have one by Christmas? If you are, please remember that every life is precious in the Lord’s eye. Don’t buy/ask on impulse! You are responsible for the rest of ITS life!

You can always visit the SPCA to adopt. Or approach me for one of my lovely hamsters (remember I have five).

This is the season of giving! Give these animals a home!